When Cook & Co. made the switch to paperless, they realized that to keep their public accounting firm running efficiently, they were going to have a vital need for a responsive, professional, and top tier IT solution. When Cook & Co. received word that their IT service provider was planning to retire, they became faced with the daunting task of finding a new IT vendor. No one wants to think about going through so many options that might very well not work out. Cook & Co. were in luck though as their previous IT provider suggested 403Tech to them.
The Situation – Cook & Co. Needed a New IT Service Provider Ready to Respond to Their Needs
Jeff Cook of Cook & Co. recalls the problems that were facing the firm as their previous IT provider prepared to retire. “He was great, but he was older and wanting to retire. He became less and less enthused about handling our IT issues.” He also remembers that they still needed some help with server maintenance and syncing a remote home office with their primary location. “We have remote locations as well as in-office locations – lots of people wanting to connect remotely.”
Their previous IT provider suggested 403Tech, and after switching over, there has been nothing but positive results. When asked on what made them decide to go with 403Tech, Jeff said “They’re very responsive – they’re quick – we can always get a hold of them. They provide a lot of value for what I pay. They know their stuff – they seem to always have a great answer.” When he was asked about how the service from 403 differed from other companies in the past he said, “403Tech is committed to that fully managed approach to IT service – they’re proactive and responsive and get on top of any issues right away. We can always get them when we need them.”
The Resolution – Cook & Co. Found an IT Service Provider That Met Their Needs
403Tech offered many services which helped Cook & Co. move their business forward with increased networking capabilities and storage.
- Meraki Z1 site to site VPN between home and office networks to provide seamless network
- Server Maintenance
- Offsite backup
- Coordinating home office and business office locations
- Cloud Backup
- Remote monitoring
403Tech offers small & medium businesses the same IT services that we would provide to large businesses including data backup and recovery. This may be information about the design of products, or it may be the private information of customers and clients. No matter the nature of the information, 403Tech can provide data backup and recovery services to ensure that you will always have access to this information. They also have managed services and support help desks to help manage the IT problems that may be encountered on a day-to-day basis.
They also offer cloud computing that can be adjusted to fit business needs as well as hardware solutions so that your company never needs to be disrupted by broken or malfunctioning technology. 403Tech also offers several services to improve your business communications such as VoIP solutions, vendor management and email and spam protection.
To learn more about our IT services and support, give us a call at (403) 215-7506 or send us an email at info@403tech.thakurvj.com. 403Tech is here to help you ensure the reliability and security of your IT systems, networks data and that you have the support you need, as soon as you need it.